Should I buy Borderlands 9? Is Borderlands 9 worth it in 2021? Let’s see should you buy borderlands or not.
We will see Should I buy Borderlands 3 if you already had played it before or if you don’t buy it before and trying it for the first time.
Should I buy borderlands 3 in 2021?

If you are a fan of the games like shooter looters or you have been a fan of borderlands 1 or 2 then you should absolutely buy borderlands 3 you will not regret it at all.
Borderlands 3 has a ton of shooting, looting, and skill trees you definitely gonna love it.
If you are a fan of the Borderlands franchise already and played borderlands 1 or 2 and haven’t played the past 3 or 4 months then you will really gonna enjoy borderlands 3 because it has some new stuff from previous months.
If I am being honest borderlands 3 does not have so many changes from borderlands 2 but if you had not played for 4 or 5 months then you will love it a lot.
If you haven’t played the borderlands 3 yet then it will be a really good game it has a ton of cool things to explore and tons of new characters to invest your time in.
Should I buy borderlands 3 season pass 2?

If you are thinking Should I buy borderlands 3 season pass 2? Yes, you should season pass 2 is 100% worth it and it is a good thing to buy if you are looking for more content because it adds a fourth skill tree to every character, the new arms race is a new game mod it is kind of a battle royale mode.
If you haven’t played the borderlands yet then I would suggest you should spend extra 30 dollars on season pass 2.
Is borderlands 3 dlc worth it?

If you are looking for borderlands 3 DLC and want to know is borderlands 3 DLC worth it?
Yes, Borderlands 3 DLCs are super worth it there are four main DLCs come with four different story mode.
But if you have a tight budget then I would suggest you should only buy the base and borderlands 3 is worth it because there is so much fun to play borderlands it really cool and fun game to play.
Buy Borderlands 3
Borderlands 3 Ultimate Edition (Xbox one Amazon)
Borderlands 3 Ultimate Edition is the quintessential Borderlands 3 experience, featuring the award-winning base game plus all 6 content add-ons and the full collection of bonus cosmetic packs! Blast through multiple worlds as 1 of 4 Vault Hunters – the ultimate treasure-seeking badasses of the Borderlands.
Conclusion of Should I buy Borderlands 3?
Yes, you should buy borderlands 3 because it is a really good shooter and looter game and has so many fun things to do.
You will fall in love with borderlands 3 if you haven’t played it before.