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Palworld Admin Password not Working – Fixed!

So, if your admin password isn’t working in the Palworld server then here are some of the steps that will help you to fix this problem.

The steps below are the only steps that you will need to follow to get rid of this issue and if these steps don’t work then you contact the palworld support as mentioned in the last step.

1. Restart the Server

This is the most common step and you must have done it but if you didn’t sometimes a simple restart of the server will help to fix the admin password error.

2. Check Palworldsetting.ini

  • Stop the server
  • Open the server configuration file or Palworldsetting.ini
  • Now check if the format is correct or not, the correct format is AdminPassword=”xyz003″

3. Reset the Server

  • Stop the server
  • Delete Worldoption.sav file located at PalServer/Pal/Saved/SavedGames/0/<YOUR SAVE FILE>/WorldOption.sav
  • Now configure your server again with the help of Palworldsetting.ini located at /PalWorld/Pal/Saved/Config/LinuxServer/PalWorldSetting.ini

Now, try if the admin password works or not

4. Contact the Support

If all the other steps don’t work then the only option we have left is to contact Palworld support and check if they can help with the admin password issue most probably you won’t need to do this and the step above will help to solve your issue for sure.

Click here to visit support

Here is the format you can use:

Subject: Urgent: Admin Password Issue in Palworld

Dear [Support Team],

We are facing a critical issue with our Palworld admin account password. Despite repeated attempts, we are unable to log in as admin on our server. Your immediate assistance in resolving this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Account Details:

  • Username: [Your username]
  • Email: [Your email address]
  • Other necessary details

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

Best regards, [Your Name]